A Greener Pakistan


Op-Ed Column: Politics of Pollution

In my published article for Pakistan’s The News (circulation 200,000), I delve into the paradox of Pakistan’s historically minor carbon footprint in contrast to its prominent position as one of the world’s most carbon-vulnerable countries. I explore the imperative of afforestation, with an emphasis on agroforesty, as a strategic and economic means for developing much-needed climate resilience mechanisms in Pakistan.

Historian, National Heritage Association of Karachi

I digitally documented the NHAK’s efforts to inculcate a shift in national perspective: from challenging the gating of communities that restrict public access to Old Clifton’s Banyan trees, to fostering vital shared public spaces for conversation and the collective appreciation of Pakistan’s natural beauty. In furthering Architect Marvi Mazhar’s mission, I proposed and conducted the next phase of the NHAK initiative – leveraging GIS imaging to increase accessibility to the Banyan Trees along Old Clifton both in person, through geolocation, and virtually, through photographs documented online.

Passage of Green Heritage Bill

Upon initiating negotiations with the Mayor of Karachi, I won green heritage status for the Banyan Trees along Amir Khusro Road leading to KAS. Backed by PPP-led KMC Murtaza Wahab and Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah, the trees are now safeguarded under the Sindh Cultural Heritage (Preservation) Act 1994, historically applied to heritage buildings.

Youth Environmental Responsibility Act

Inspired by measures implemented in both Switzerland and the Philippines, I authored and successfully lobbied for legislation mandating tree planting as a graduation requirement. With the endorsement of Pakistan’s Minister of Forestry, the resolution is set to become law.

Op-Ed Column: Women and Climate Change

In this article, I explore the impact of excluding women from climate change solutions in Pakistan. The piece further highlights the interconnectedness of gender inequality and environmental sustainability in Pakistan